Wolverine Farms
(907) 745-6591
Ten guarantees about our meat:
1. Grass fed and finished.
2. Alaska born and raised.
3. Age of your beef will be 18 months or less (except by special arrangement).
4. Antibiotic, steroid, and hormone supplement free.
5. Fully integrated farm to freezer process right on the farm customized to your orders.
6. Customer visitation rights.
7. Customer money back satisfaction.
8. Wholesale prices on minimum order of 1/2 a beef- $4.50 lb hanging, $1 lb processed.
9. Discount for bringing a new customer- 10%.
10. Direct contact with the farmer- Larry DeVilbiss
Wolverine Farm beef comes with these guarantees that make it unique and because of which we have loyal customers that have been with us since we switched from milk to meat in the '80s.
We specialize in "grass fed and finished" meat. That means that the chemicals and stresses of barley, soy, corn and wheat fattened animals are absent. You can learn a lot about the advantages of grass fed cattle on the web. A classic that is informative is "The Omnivore's Delight".
You can confirm your name on the order list for a side of beef by contacting me.
Larry DeVilbiss