Fireside Books - PALMER

Fireside Books

(907) 745-2665

720 S Alaska St.

Palmer, AK

Way back in the later part of the 20th Century, David Cheezem and Melissa Behnke decided they wanted to open a bookstore. Both husband and wife were and are avid readers. Melissa's mother Peggy helped grow the small Wasilla library, and she grew up in a family of readers. David had just completed his Masters in Fine Arts degree in creative writing, and felt that his fellow writers deserved a place where good writing was honored and celebrated.

They found the perfect location for a bookstore in Palmer -- the small agricultural town in Alaska with a rich history and cultural heritage.

In 2001 David and Melissa discovered an empty storefront within a stone's throw of Vagabond Blues, their favorite Alaskan coffee-shop. It was the perfect location for a bookstore.